Apprise Details

The following services are supported by this Apprise instance.

To see a simplified listing that only identifies the Apprise services enabled click here.

  • chevron_rightApprise Version: 1.6.0
  • 001 chevron_right check_circle
    AWS Simple Email Service (SES)
    AWS Simple Email Service (SES)

    • Category: native
    • Secure Schema(s): ses
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 002 chevron_right check_circle
    AWS Simple Notification Service (SNS)
    AWS Simple Notification Service (SNS)

    • Category: native
    • Secure Schema(s): sns
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 003 chevron_right check_circle
    Apprise API
    Apprise API

    • Category: native
    • Insecure Schema(s): apprise
    • Secure Schema(s): apprises
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 004 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Insecure Schema(s): bark
    • Secure Schema(s): barks
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 005 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Secure Schema(s): boxcar
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 006 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Secure Schema(s): bulksms
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 007 chevron_right check_circle
    Burst SMS
    Burst SMS

    • Category: native
    • Secure Schema(s): burstsms
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 008 chevron_right check_circle
    Cisco Webex Teams
    Cisco Webex Teams

    • Category: native
    • Secure Schema(s): wxteams, webex
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 009 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Secure Schema(s): clicksend
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 010 chevron_right check_circle
    D7 Networks
    D7 Networks

    • Category: native
    • Secure Schema(s): d7sms
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 011 chevron_right remove_circle
    DBus Notification
    DBus Notification
    reportNote: This service is unavailable due to the service being disabled by the administrator or the required libraries needed to drive it is not installed or functioning correctly.
    • Category: native
    • Insecure Schema(s): qt, kde, glib, dbus
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 012 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Secure Schema(s): dapnet
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 013 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Secure Schema(s): dingtalk
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 014 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Secure Schema(s): discord
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 015 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Insecure Schema(s): mailto
    • Secure Schema(s): mailtos
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 016 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Insecure Schema(s): emby
    • Secure Schema(s): embys
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 017 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Insecure Schema(s): enigma2
    • Secure Schema(s): enigma2s
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 018 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Insecure Schema(s): faast
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 019 chevron_right check_circle
    Firebase Cloud Messaging
    Firebase Cloud Messaging

    • Category: native
    • Secure Schema(s): fcm
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 020 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Secure Schema(s): flock
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 021 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Insecure Schema(s): form
    • Secure Schema(s): forms
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 022 chevron_right remove_circle
    Gnome Notification
    Gnome Notification
    reportNote: This service is unavailable due to the service being disabled by the administrator or the required libraries needed to drive it is not installed or functioning correctly.
    • Category: native
    • Insecure Schema(s): gnome
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 023 chevron_right check_circle
    Google Chat
    Google Chat

    • Category: native
    • Secure Schema(s): gchat
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 024 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Insecure Schema(s): gotify
    • Secure Schema(s): gotifys
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 025 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Insecure Schema(s): growl
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 026 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Secure Schema(s): guilded
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 027 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Insecure Schema(s): hassio
    • Secure Schema(s): hassios
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 028 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Secure Schema(s): ifttt
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 029 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Insecure Schema(s): json
    • Secure Schema(s): jsons
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 030 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Secure Schema(s): join
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 031 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Secure Schema(s): kavenegar
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 032 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Insecure Schema(s): xbmc, kodi
    • Secure Schema(s): xbmcs, kodis
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 033 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Secure Schema(s): kumulos
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 034 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Insecure Schema(s): lametric
    • Secure Schema(s): lametrics
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 035 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Secure Schema(s): line
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 036 chevron_right check_circle
    MQTT Notification
    MQTT Notification

    • Category: native
    • Insecure Schema(s): mqtt
    • Secure Schema(s): mqtts
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 037 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Secure Schema(s): msg91
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 038 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Secure Schema(s): msteams
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 039 chevron_right remove_circle
    MacOSX Notification
    MacOSX Notification
    reportNote: This service is unavailable due to the service being disabled by the administrator or the required libraries needed to drive it is not installed or functioning correctly.
    • Category: native
    • Insecure Schema(s): macosx
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 040 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Secure Schema(s): mailgun
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 041 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Insecure Schema(s): mastodon, toot
    • Secure Schema(s): mastodons, toots
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 042 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Insecure Schema(s): matrix
    • Secure Schema(s): matrixs
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 043 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Insecure Schema(s): mmost
    • Secure Schema(s): mmosts
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 044 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Secure Schema(s): msgbird
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 045 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Insecure Schema(s): misskey
    • Secure Schema(s): misskeys
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 046 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Insecure Schema(s): ncloud
    • Secure Schema(s): nclouds
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 047 chevron_right check_circle
    Nextcloud Talk
    Nextcloud Talk

    • Category: native
    • Insecure Schema(s): nctalk
    • Secure Schema(s): nctalks
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 048 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Insecure Schema(s): notica
    • Secure Schema(s): noticas
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 049 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Secure Schema(s): notifiarr
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 050 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Insecure Schema(s): notifico
    • Secure Schema(s): notifico
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 051 chevron_right check_circle
    Office 365
    Office 365

    • Category: native
    • Secure Schema(s): o365
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 052 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Secure Schema(s): onesignal
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 053 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Secure Schema(s): opsgenie
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 054 chevron_right check_circle
    Pager Duty
    Pager Duty

    • Category: native
    • Secure Schema(s): pagerduty
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 055 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Secure Schema(s): pagertree
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 056 chevron_right check_circle
    Parse Platform
    Parse Platform

    • Category: native
    • Insecure Schema(s): parsep
    • Secure Schema(s): parseps
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 057 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Secure Schema(s): popcorn
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 058 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Secure Schema(s): prowl
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 059 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Insecure Schema(s): pushdeer
    • Secure Schema(s): pushdeers
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 060 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Insecure Schema(s): pushme
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 061 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Secure Schema(s): pbul
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 062 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Secure Schema(s): pushed
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 063 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Insecure Schema(s): pjet
    • Secure Schema(s): pjets
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 064 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Secure Schema(s): pover
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 065 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Insecure Schema(s): psafer
    • Secure Schema(s): psafers
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 066 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Secure Schema(s): pushy
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 067 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Secure Schema(s): reddit
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 068 chevron_right check_circle
    Remote Syslog
    Remote Syslog

    • Category: native
    • Insecure Schema(s): rsyslog
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 069 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Insecure Schema(s): rocket
    • Secure Schema(s): rockets
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 070 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Secure Schema(s): ryver
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 071 chevron_right check_circle
    SMS Eagle
    SMS Eagle

    • Category: native
    • Insecure Schema(s): smseagle
    • Secure Schema(s): smseagles
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 072 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Secure Schema(s): smtp2go
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 073 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Secure Schema(s): sendgrid
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 074 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Secure Schema(s): schan
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 075 chevron_right check_circle
    Signal API
    Signal API

    • Category: native
    • Insecure Schema(s): signal
    • Secure Schema(s): signals
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 076 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Secure Schema(s): spush
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 077 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Secure Schema(s): sinch
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 078 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Secure Schema(s): slack
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 079 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Secure Schema(s): sparkpost
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 080 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Secure Schema(s): spontit
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 081 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Secure Schema(s): strmlabs
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 082 chevron_right remove_circle
    reportNote: This service is unavailable due to the service being disabled by the administrator or the required libraries needed to drive it is not installed or functioning correctly.
    • Category: native
    • Insecure Schema(s): syslog
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 083 chevron_right check_circle
    Techulus Push
    Techulus Push

    • Category: native
    • Secure Schema(s): push
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 084 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Secure Schema(s): tgram
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 085 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Secure Schema(s): twilio
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 086 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Secure Schema(s): twist
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 087 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Secure Schema(s): x, twitter, tweet
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 088 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Secure Schema(s): voipms
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 089 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Secure Schema(s): vonage, nexmo
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 090 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Secure Schema(s): whatsapp
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 091 chevron_right remove_circle
    Windows Notification
    Windows Notification
    reportNote: This service is unavailable due to the service being disabled by the administrator or the required libraries needed to drive it is not installed or functioning correctly.
    • Category: native
    • Insecure Schema(s): windows
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 092 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Insecure Schema(s): xml
    • Secure Schema(s): xmls
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 093 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Secure Schema(s): zulip
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here
  • 094 chevron_right check_circle

    • Category: native
    • Insecure Schema(s): ntfy
    • Secure Schema(s): ntfys
                        # Apprise URL Formatting
    • For more details and additional Apprise configuration options available to this service: Click Here

API Endpoints

Developers who wish to receive this result set in a JSON parseable string for their application can perform the following to achive this:

  • codeCurl Example
                  #Retrieve JSON Formatted Apprise Details
    curl -H "Accept: application/json" \
  • codePython Example
                  import json
    from urllib.request import Request

    # The URL
    req = Request(
        {"Accept": "application/json"},
  • codePHP Example

    // The URL
    $url = '';

    //Initiate cURL.
    $ch = curl_init($url);

    //Set the content type to application/json
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Accept: application/json'));

    //Execute the request
    $result = curl_exec($ch);

More details on the JSON format can be found here.